Wednesday, December 2, 2009

One beautiful thing~ a family challenge~Please post yours as 1BT

I was inspired by a blog today to record one beautiful thing each day, week, month, whatever you can and post it on the family blog~
I hear chuckles and gaffaws....
I know.....
Just give it a whirl...if you look deeply enough you will find a nugget of soomething beautiful, I promise~

I will start~

One~ I was putting the groceries away and I spied a little bakery bag amongst the pile of parsley and sweet potatoes...hmmmm...rustle, rustle, heart quickening....Ron said,(from his chair in the other room), "Oh I bought those as a treat for breakfast tomorrow morning for you and me.."
This man teaches me generosity and self-control all at the same time....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it!!