Who~ever still has some memory left (lol) please add your Thanksgiving post starting with the words I am from...
I am from a family that I think about constantly as I shop and prepare some of my favorite Thanksgiving recipes ~ And with each recipe I am reminded of a million moments connected to one of their faces...
I am from a family whose mother prepared very fancy and thoughtful Thanksgivings for her houseful of children. A mother whose help was needed to polish silver and set out the best china that would contain this feast.
I am from a family with a father who did all the grocery shopping, moved all the living room furniture and set the door up on its side to accommodate his brood.
I am from a kitchen where linens were ironed and dates were stuffed and glasses were polished for a toast of apple cider.
I am from a family who dressed up like church for this fancy meal and kindly offered PB and J for a little brother with discriminating taste...
I am from a family who have always celebrated Thanksgiving with a Dad at the head of the table with his head bowed, hands in white~knuckled prayer..stopping time for just that moment to thank God for all of us. A prayer of love that made me cry every time~
I am from that family.
Next week all over this country our family will bow our heads and say a prayer for brothers and sisters,sons and daughters, mothers and babies and all of our Dads~♥
1 comment:
Wonderful Memories Eileen!
Missing those days~~~~~~
I'm remembering Bob,after the first course,going out and running around the house a few times to work up an appetite for "seconds".
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