Friday, May 15, 2009

67 Byam Road

I am from...

I am from a green neighborhood with bigwheels
and a barefoot, sundrenched childhood...

From a place where a sister and siblings could fight and be best friends all in the same moment during all of our growning up...

From a wise mother
who braided her long dark hair in a mirror in our living room
while Fleetwood Mac and James Taylor played from somewhere in the house
while candles were lit
and I knew that I wanted to be beautiful just like her...

From a father who is my biggest cheerleader
and told me that I could be called Cinderella if I wanted to,
but I am proud of the name
that he chose for me...

From a sister who was like a doll to me~
fragile as china...
Who now shares tea, experiences, and laughter
that dissolves our six year difference that may have separated us...

From a brother whom I have shared many rides with~
both up and down...
That make some toasts in life both tearful and celebratory
but never alone...

I am from tiny grandmothers
who greatly indulged my self esteem
during different times in my life...

I am from uncles
who were the official first concerts of great music that I attended
and who put me on their shoulders and made me feel 10 feet tall and special
when they could have told me to buzz out...

I am from aunts who let me listen to and be part of
conversations I cherish being part of
to this very day...

I am from a family who had a grandfather
who's laugh was one of my first childhood memories
and hosted Christmas holidays that Santa could not have even dreamed up...

I am from parents who truly liked each other~
and held hands on walks
or on car rides
and allowed us to just be kids
and sheltered us from embers and illness
with unwavering strength
and courage...

I am from a place that gave me the foundation
to be with a soulmate I truly like~
and cheer on my own small tribe
from the candle lights and porch talks on Thompson Hill...

From parents
that provided me a life
that gives me real-life moments of "magical thinking"

because of where I am from.........


A Wheeler said...


A Wheeler said...

the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
Lovely Jacki---
Grandma said...


Anonymous said...

man I cant do one..yours is too good.


A Wheeler said...


A Wheeler said...


Middle Gamache said...

Ok, I call "No fair". How are people supposed to follow this?

A Wheeler said...

Nice job Jacqueline!

Better the second and third time around!

Uncle Bob